Monday 29 October 2018


1st Day : 29th OCTOBER 2018







HE PASSED IN BANGALORE ON  27-10-2018  AT 03-30PM . HE WAS 86. 


"That was the 6th day of November , 1975. Dark days of emergency imposed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi were looming large over democratic movements of our country. One Police Inspector keeping his force outside entered into the then Sub Record Office at Guwahati under RMS "GH" Division and took the chair in front of a young man working there and asked curisoulsy "Are you Mr.-----? with militant posture and uncompromising determination, the man just crossed his fourty, instantly replied "Yes, I am Mr.Sudhendu Sekhar Sen whom you are searching for".

The Inspector with his regretful expression contended Com.S.S.Sen (popularly known as Sudha Sen) that it was the order from the high echelons of power that was was bound to carry out and for that reason he should not be misunderstood. After completion of all formalities including permission from the Senior Superintendent, Com.S.S.Sen was arrested and taken away to the Guwahati Central Jail.

In the Central Jail were the galaxy of leaders of the P&T Trade Union movement already taken into cusotdy; Com. Bimal Kanti Gupta,CS of E-IV, Com. Jagadindra Bhattachajee, CS, E-IV, Com. Bhudan Chandra Das, CS, P-IV., Com. Hareswar Sharma, CS, P-III, Com.Sankar Kumar Das, CS, E-III, Com. Bhrigu Ram Lahkar, Asstt. CS, P-III and Com.Prabin Chandra Boro, Secretary, P&T LCC, Guwahati.

There in the Central Jail  and elsewhere in Assam they had to wait for 15 to 19 months to get released from jail until the emergency was lifted. After the release from the jail also they were not spared. All of them were transferred to the remotest hilly corners of the North Eastern Region, only to be brought back when the Janatha Government came in to power in 1977.

Perhaps this is the unmatched chapter of the history of the trade union movement in the central government employees' front where as many as 8 (eight) top leaders were put into jail with an intention to crush the democratic trade union movement. Needless to say that second union (FNPTO) in the P&T was formed with the government's patronage to sabotage the historic 1968 central government employees' strike.

Government tried to form the union in the NE Region also but could not get in road even after putting the entire top leadership behind the bars.

Rock like unity of the workers at the ground level remained intact throughout the emergency regime and all the jailed leaders were re-elected to their respective positions in the union hierarchy as when the conferences were due and held amidst prevailing situation. These leaders were also amongst the galaxy of leaders of Central including Railways, State, Insurance and Banking sectors who were instrumental in formation  of the JOINT COUNCIL OF TRADE UNIONS, ASSAM  in 1973 through a massive convention of workers in Guwahati inaugurated by Com.K.G.Bose and also attended by George Fernadaz, Com. Jagadindra Bhattarcharjee along with Achyut Deka of LIC took the mantle of this joint forum as first Joint Conveners. Later on the JCTU, Assam withstood the test of time and created may histories in the trade union movement in Assam.That legacy has still been continued.

In the early 1990's also Regional Coordination Committee of P&T employees Unions (NFPE), North East Region with Com.S.S.Sen as Convener again made the history by organizing the longest ever successfull strike of the white colour employees in the history of India demanding Special Duty Allowance (SDA). The strike started on November 15, 1991 under the leadership of RCC of P&T Employees Unions, NE Region to end the discrimination by implementing Court Judgement. The entire RCC leadershp including Co.S.S.Sen, Com.J.Bhattacharjee, Com.R.P.Sharma, \Com. Sasadhar Deb, Com.B.C.Das, Com.S.K.Das, Com.M.R.Das, Com.J.N.Mishraexhibited the exemplary leadership quality to continue the strike with tactical perfectness and extreme patience. No door of any Post Office  and RMS office was opened for long 38 days upto 22nd December, 1991 until an agreement was signed between NFPE and the Department of Posts in the presence of Minister of Communications . Subsequently the discrimination was ended and SDA was granted to all the CG Employees of NE Region irrespective of transfer liabilities".



NFPE Federal Secretariat and Postal JCA (NFPE, FNPO & GDS Unions) Meeting on 15.11.2018 to discuss the prevalent situation in Department of Posts and for deciding future course of action


NFPE Federal Secretariat Meeting will be held at NFPE office, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi-110001 on 15.11.2018 from 11:00 AM to discuss the prevalent situation in Department of Posts and for deciding future course of action.

All General Secretaries of NFPE Unions and available office bearers at Head Quarter are requested to attend the meeting in time.

R. N. Parashar
Secretary General, NFPE


P.J.C.A. (consisting NFPE, FNPO & GDS Unions) meeting will be held at NFPE office, North Avenue PO, Building, New Delhi - 110001 on 15.11.2018 from 04.00 PM to discuss the prevalent situation in Department of Posts and for deciding future course of action.

All General Secretaries of NFPE & FNPO are requested to attend the meeting in time.

R. N. Parashar                                           T. N. Rahate              Secretary General                                        Secretary General
      NFPE                                                               FNPO

Wearing of Black Badges and Lunch Hour Demonstration from 29.10.2018 to 03.11.2018 in protest against the incident happened in Allhabad Kutchery HO.

No. P3NFPE-Odisha/27 - 10/2018
Dated at Cuttack the 29th October, 2018
All the Divisional Secretaries
AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle

Sub:-         Wearing of Black Badges and Lunch Hour Demonstration from 29.10.2018 to 03.11.2018 in protest against the incident happened in Allhabad Kutchery HO.

Dear Comrades,
You might have watched the video clippings flashed in electronics media and photographs/videos posted in our CHQ Website and reproduced in our Circle Website also showing Allahabad HO getting ransacked by agitated public over non-functioning of CSI/SAP for many days. As aware, the haphazard digitization programmes, MoUs signed with various service providers without ensuring smooth functioning of Post Offices, sluggish connectivity, poor peripherals, inadequate infrastructure and above all the careless attitude of both the Govt. and the administration are the main reasons for customers' anguish and dissatisfaction inviting such unfortunate incident compelling the staff members dealing with the customers at post offices to suffer for no fault of their own.

Contradictorily, even after paying hefty sums, the incapacity of the gutless administration to extract the job done by the service providers is the sole reason for this pitiable situation. When will the situation improve and whether the DOP be able to recapture the hard earned goodwill and support of the public are the million dollar question now!

It is needless to state that the pathetic situation is the same throughout the country. Starting from Divisional Union to CHQ / NFPE, though we have been writing, negotiating, agitating continuously to restore normalcy, all our efforts are falling to the deaf ears of the administration / Govt.

But as the responsible employees of the Department and aware citizen of India, we have to continue our struggle programmes and register our protest for the sake of truth and justice.  

In this regard, please find attached here with the messages from our CHQ and Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO) which are self-explanatory. 

We expect that each one of us should take the issue as seriously as it can be and start wearing Black Badges during the entire duty period and organize lunch hour demonstration in front of all Head Offices, GPOs, Divisional / Regional / Circle Offices from 29.10.2018 to 03.11.2018 as a mark of solidarity to the Comrades of UP Circle on one hand and demanding restoration of normalcy in CSI at the earliest on the other.

 Expecting cooperation from all of you.

With struggle greetings.

Comradely yours,

Circle Secretary

Copy for kind information and necessary action to all Circle Union office bearers.

Display of Transaction amount in words

Examination of the issues relating to Postmasters Cadre

Addendum to SB Order No. 16 / 2017 : Aadhaar is not compulsory for opening of accounts / purchase of certificates.

Message from Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO) on Allahabad Kutchery HO incident

Postal Joint Council of Action comprising NFPE & FNPO call upon All General Secretaries/Circle Secretaries, Divisional and Branch Secretaries of NFPE and FNPO affiliated unions to hold Lunch hour demonstration in front of all Head Post offices, General Post offices, Divisional, Regional and Circle offices against the incident of Allahabad Kutchery HO (Uttar Pradesh) starting since today dated 29.10.2018 and continue up to 03.11.2018.

Ask all members to bear black badges during the whole period of duty from today dated 29.10.2018 to 03.11.2018 in protest of this incident and non-functioning of CSI.

We have already reported matter to Secretary (Posts) with Photos on 27.10.2018. Our circle union of Uttar Pradesh circle has also reported matter to Chief PMG, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.

Some advocates of Allahabad Distt. Court assaulted on our postal employees as their Regd. Letter were, not being booked due to failure of internet connectivity under C.S.I. They have vandalized the post office property including counters, computers and other equipments and put on fire two motor bikes of staff.

This all happened because of non-functioning of CSI.

We have approached Postal Administrative several times, but there is no improvement.

If corrective and remedial measures are not taken immediately, we shall be compelled to launch serious trade union action after consultation with all constituents of NFPE and FNPO

Photos of incidents are published below.

  (R. N. Parashar)                                              (T. N. Rahate)           
Secretary General                                         Secretary General
      NFPE                                                                FNPO

Message from CHQ on Allahabad Kutchery HO issues


Hold Lunch hour demonstration in front of all Head Post offices, General Post offices, Divisional, Regional and Circle offices against the incident of Allahabad Kutchery HO (Uttar Pradesh) starting since today dated 29.10.2018 and continue up to 03.11.2018.

Ask all members to bear black badges during the whole period of duty from today dated 29.10.2018 to 03.11.2018 in protest of this incident and non-functioning of CSI.

We have already reported matter to Secretary (Posts) with Photos on 27.10.2018. Our circle union of Uttar Pradesh circle has also reported matter to Chief PMG, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.

Some advocates of Allahabad Distt. Court assaulted on our postal employees as their Regd. Letter were, not being booked due to failure of internet connectivity under C.S.I. They have vandalized the post office property including counters, computers and other equipments and put on fire two motor bikes of staff.

This all happened because of non-functioning of CSI.

We have approached Postal Administrative several times, but there is no improvement.

If corrective and remedial measures are not taken immediately, we shall be compelled to launch serious trade union action after consultation with all constituents of NFPE.

Photos of incidents are published below.

(R. N. Parashar)
General Secretary

Assault / vandalism to employees / Govt. property by public in Allahabad Kutchery HO (UP) due to non-functioning of CSI/SAP


National Convention of Workers organized by Central Trade Unions (except BMS), independent Federations and Associations viz; Central Government and State Govt. Employees, Banks, Insurance, Defence production employees etc, held at Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi on 28th September 2018, has decided to conduct two days nationwide strike on 8th& 9th January 2019. Earlier, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, in its National Convention held at Hyderabad on 10th June 2018, has decided to go for one day’s nationwide strike on 15th November 2018, demanding settlement of 10 points Charter of demands of Central Govt. Employees, Pensioners, Gramin DakSevaks and casual/contract workers. In the changed circumstances, Confederation has decided to postpone the 15thNovember 2018 one day strike and to join the two days strike on 8th and 9th January 2019 announced by the National Convention of Workers. There is no change in the 10 points charter of demands of Confederation adopted in the Hyderabad National Convention.

The declaration adopted in the National Convention of Workers held on 28th September 2018 has stated as follows:

“Government is dragging its feet on wage negotiations of public sector in bipartite settlement and 7thCentral Pay Commission anomalies of Central Government employees. Four sub committees were formed by the Government to address several issues raised by Central Government employees (NJCA) such as scrapping of New Pension Scheme (NPS) review of Minimum wage and fitment formula, restoration of allowances and allowing option-I as one of the pension benefit formula. But nothing has been done.
The Central Government Employees organisations including the Defence and Railways have been planning united action against the betrayal of the Government and asserting their genuine demands including scrapping of New Pension Scheme. This National Convention extends full support to their struggle and upholds all their demands.”

Thus, the entire Trade unions (other than BMS) has taken serious view of the negative attitude of the Central Government towards the demands of Central Government employees and Pensioners and extended full solidarity and support to our struggle.

Unrest among the New Pension Scheme (NPS) employees is rising day by day. Those NPS employees who retired from service, in 2015 to 2018, after completing ten years’ service are getting a paltry sum of Rs.1000 to 3000 only as monthly annuity pension. How can a pensioner and his family live with such a megre amount as pension. This is equal to “No Pension”, Under the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) an employee who completed minimum ten yearsservice is eligible for 50% of last pay drawn as minimum pension.

Regarding increase in Minimum Pay and Fitment formula, the assurance was given to the NJCA leaders by none other than the Hon’bleHome Minister and Finance Minister on 30.06.2016. Two years are over but nothing happened. Government has replied in Parliament that, at present, there is no proposal for increasing Minimum Pay and Fitment formula. Thus the entire Central Govt. Employees are betrayed. Regarding Pensioners, the one and the only favourable recommendation of the 7th CPC i.e. Option-I, stands rejected by Government.

Three lakhs GraminDakSevaks of the Postal department conducted a heroic strike for sixteen days and finally Govt. was compelled to accept their demands.But while issuing orders, eventhough new pay scale recommended by the Kamalesh Chandra Committee is implemented, regarding arrears the Committee’s recommendation was rejected and modified by Govt. Some important recommendations like Children Education Allowance, Time bound three financial upgradations etc. are still pending. Regarding revision of wages of Casual Labourers, orders issued by Postal Directorate is yet to be implemented in some Circles and Divisions and their demand for regularisation is not considered favourably by Govt.

The situation in the country is deteriorating day by day. National economy including value of Indian currency, suffered serious setback due to pro-corporate, anti-labour and anti-people neo-liberal policies pursued by the Central Government, grievously impacting the livelihood of the working people and farmers.

The situation due to steep rise in petrol and diesel prices with cascading effect on increase in prices of all daily life utility items, especially food items, is resulting in torturous impact on common masses. The unemployment situation is getting aggravated with employment generation practically turned negative even in most labour-oriented sectors. The agricultural sector and farmers are in deep distress. The after-effects of demonitisation and faulty GST Continue to adversely impacting the deep crisis set in the fast-paced neo-liberal economic policies of the Government. Lack of job opportunities on the one hand and continued job losses, retrenchments, illegal closures on the other hand are imposing miserable condition on the ordinary families for their food, education of children and medical care of the sick and elderly, Aggressive move to sell the shares of the Public Sector undertakings and onslaught of privatization through various routes like outsourcing, PPP etc. is going on in full swing. The demand for universal social security with guaranteed pension has fallen on deaf ears.

Central Govt. not only refused to respond to the just and genuine demands of the organized agitation of working class, but has been continuing its aggression against the hard-won labourrights of the workers, employees and Trade Unions. It is in this background the entire working class of our country has decided to fight back the onslaught of the Govt. against the working class and peasants.

National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) has been in the forefront of the struggle against the neo-liberal policies of the Govt. especially against the negative attitude of the Govt. towards the Central Govt. Employees demands including Postal employees.

On January 8th& 9th, about 18 to 20 crores organized and unorganized workers will go on two days strike. NFPE HQ calls upon the entirety of Postal and RMS employees including GraminDakSevaks and Casual, Part-time, Contingent employees to join the strike en-mass. It is a struggle for our survival.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Circle Union writes to Chief PMG, Odisha on payment of Cash Handling / Treasury Allowances

No. P3NFPE-Odisha/26 - 10/2018
Dated at Cuttack the 27th  October, 2018
Dr. S K Kamila, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle
Bhubaneswar – 751 001

Sub:-  Payment of Cash Handling / Treasury Allowances– reg.
Respected Sir,
As aware, the Cash Handling Allowance at Sl. No. 3 and Treasury Allowance at Sl. 32 of the Resolution  No. 11-1/2016-IC, dated 06.07.2017 issued by Ministry of Finance on Allowances based on the Recommendations of 7th CPC have been subsumed and revised as under with effect from the 1st July, 2017.

Amount of  average
monthly cash handled
6th CPC rates 
Revised Rates
(in  Rs. Per Month)
<= 5 lakh
Over 5 lakh

But it is regretted that the above allowances have been discontinued in Odisha Circle since implementation of the Recommendations of 7th CPC.

 Therefore, it is requested to kindly issue necessary instructions to all Unit Heads / DDOs for immediate payment of Cash Handling / Treasury Allowances to all eligible officials with effect from 01.07.2017.

Expecting your kind immediate intervention, Sir.

With regards.
Yours faithfully,

Circle Secretary

Vigilance Awareness Week 2018 to be observed from 29th Oct-3rd Nov

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Vigilance Awareness Week 2018 to be observed from 29th Oct-3rd Nov
Theme for this year is ‘Eradicate Corruption-Build a New India’

Posted On: 26 OCT 2018 11:55AM by PIB Delhi
The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) observes the Vigilance Awareness Week every year during the week in which the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (31st October) falls.
This week, through its various outreach activities, it seeks to motivate stakeholders to collectively participate in the fight against corruption and also aims at raising public awareness regarding the detrimental consequences of corruption.   This year, the Vigilance Awareness Week is being observed from 29th October to 3rd November, 2018 on the theme “Eradicate Corruption-Build a New India (भ्रष्टाचार मिटाओ- नया भारत बनाओ)”.

The Commission has requested all Central Government Ministries/Organisations to conduct activities relevant to the theme both within their organization, and outreach activities for public/citizens inter alia detailed as follows :

  1. Activities to be conducted within the organization may include taking of the Integrity Pledge by all employees, distribution of pamphlets/handouts on preventive vigilance activities, whistle blower mechanism and other anti-corruption measures, conducting workshops and sensitization programmes for employees and other stake holders on policies/procedures of the organization and preventive vigilance measures. Other activities may include publication of  journals/newsletters on vigilance issues, systemic improvements and good practices adopted for wider dissemination and awareness, conducting various competitions such as debates, quiz etc. for the employees and their families on issues relating to anti-corruption and the use of organizational websites for dissemination of employees/customer oriented information.
  2. Outreach activities for public/citizens may include the display of hoardings, banners, posters and distribution of handouts etc. at prominent locations/places in offices/field units and also at places with public interface , organization of grievance redressal camps for citizens/customers by organizations having customer oriented services/activities and the taking of the online “Integrity Pledge” developed by the Commission.
  3. Laying stress for creation of awareness on the ill-effects of corruption amongst school and college students, special efforts may be being  made by each field unit/branch of every CPSE/ to reach out to students in schools and colleges. In this regard, various activities such as lectures, panel discussions, debates, quiz, essay writing, slogans/elocution/cartoon/poster competitions on moral values, ethics, good governance practices etc. are to be organized across the country. In 2017, such activities were organized in over 15,000 schools and over 3200 colleges with the participation of more than 14.70 lakh children across the country.

A new feature is the establishment of ‘Integrity Clubs’ in schools and colleges to cultivate ethical values in the leaders of tomorrow.

“Awareness Gram Sabhas” are also organized for dissemination of awareness in Gram Panchayats (in rural and semi-urban areas) to sensitize the rural citizens about the ill-effects of corruption. In 2017, 67,131 such Gram Sabhas were organized during the Vigilance Awareness Week. 

Seminars, discussions and other outreach events are also organized involving the private sector, professional associations, trade unions and associations for wide participation of all sections of civil society.

Organizations also conduct activities with high visibility and public appeal such as walkathons, marathons, cycle rallies, human chains, street plays and other public functions in various cities and towns across the country.
Many organizations would be extensively using  social media platforms , bulk SMS/E-mail, Whatsapp, electronic and print media etc. for spreading awareness.
