Sunday 19 April 2020

Confederation writes to Secretary, DoPT on attendance in offices where lock down is declared Due to covid.19 pandemic.

        1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
  President                                                                                                 Secretary General
 RAVI NAIR                                                                                                   R.N. PARASHAR
 9969234999                                                                                                   9718686800 
No. Confd./Covid-19/2020                                                                      Dated: 18.04,2020

The Secretary, Personnel,
Department of Personnel and Training,
Government of India,
North Block, New Delhi. 110 001

Sub:   Attending office in places where lock down is declared Due to covid.19
            We refer to the various instructions issued by the Government  regarding the need to be cautious  over the spread of Covid19  as also over the necessity over providing governmental service to the public at large.   The ;latest instructions in the matter is to emphasize the requirement  maintain skeleton services by  all the Central Government offices, irrespective whether they are declared as emergency services or not.   After the issuance of the said instructions, we have been informed by  many of our affiliates that some of the Heads of offices are insisting upon the presence of staff without providing the requisite transport facilities.  As you are aware, al the states on the advice of the Central Government has withdrawn the public transport facility and prohibit people using their own vehicles for commuting purpose.   In fact the people are advised to stay back in their homes for combating the spread of the pandemic.  The State Police authorities refuse to issue passes to enable the employees to go over to their offices.  In the circumstances, we suggest that instruction may be issued to all the heads of offices to the effect that:

(a)        Only employees who stay nearby the offices may be deployed for duty;
(b)       Those who are deployed to duty are entire provided by the necessary passes issued by the State Police authorities to use their own vehicles or the concerned department may be asked to ensure that dedicated transport facility is provided to such staff.
(c)        The requisite steps are taken to ensure that the offices and vehicles are properly quarantined.
Thanking you,
                                                                                       Yours Sincerely,
                                                                                                                            (R.N. Parashar)
                                                                                                                      Secretary General

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