Wednesday 29 March 2017

Implementation of Cadre Restructuring Proposal in Odisha Circle – Updates

For last few days, Com. B Samal Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle is in regular contact with Com. R N Parashar, General Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ to know the disposal of Postal JCA letter submitted to the Secretary (Posts) on 17.03.2017 suggesting several modifications on Cadre Restructuring proposal of Group-C postal employees with request to keep the implementation order in abeyance till such modifications.

Accordingly, we had also requested our Chief PMG here in Bhubaneswar which we have already informed in this blog.

Neither any order was received from the Directorate to keep the implementation order in abeyance nor the Circle administration keep our request to delay the process. The Head Quarters Region. Bhubaneswar released the posting orders on 22.03.2017 and the same was released by Sambalpur and Berhampur Region on 25.03.2017.

We intimated the concern of the employees of Odisha Circle to our CHQ over phone and  requested the General Secretary to act swiftly to release order of abeyance soon.

During our discussion on 25.03.2017 and 26.03.2017, the General Secretary told us that the case file is under examination and positive order may be issued soon. He will monoitor it on Monday (27.03.2017).

On 27.03.2017 morning we reminded  our General Secretary who told us that after collecting information from the Directorate he will intimate. But since evening of 27.03.2017, we seriously failed to get in contact with the Genl. Secretary.

Then we tried to contact with Com. J Ramamurty, our CHQ president on 28.03.2017 who told me that he is also strongly pursuing the case with the Genl. Secretary who failed to meet the Secretary (Posts) on 27.03.2017. Since this is the fag end of March, everybody in the Directorate is busy with target management. Com. President suggested me to wait till first week of April since only after the end of this financial year we can strongly pursue the case and get some positive result.

Thus, we would like to request our staff members to  have patience and wait till we receive some response from the CHQ / Directorate.

We have done whatever possible at Circle level .

Circle Secretary

1 comment:

  1. Thanks,
    Keep updating please.

    -- Ashok Kumar Behera--
