Friday 17 March 2017

Circle Union reminds the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle regarding the discussions made with Secretary(Posts) on Cadre Restructuring Proposal

No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 06 – 03 / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 16th March, 2017
Dr. S K Kamila, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle
Bhubaneswar – 751 001

Sub : Implementation of Cadre Restructuring Proposal for Group-C Postal Employees in Odisha Circle - Regarding

            This has a kind reference to the discussions made by this Circle Secretary with the Secretary (Posts) in your kind presence on 03.03.2017 in Hotel May Fair Lagoon during the latter’s visit to Odisha.

            As you know Sir, we have categorically discussed the deficiencies noticed by this Circle Union on the above subject.

During the available time period we pointed out  regarding  discrepancy in distribution of posts, issues to be faced due to the surplus/deficit of staff amongst various Divisions after implementation, completion of  the DPC for LSG avoiding that of the HSG-II and HSG-I and without waiting for the one time absorption order etc,. The Secretary (Posts) told that he realized the genuineness of the issues which could have been sorted out by the Administration earlier and assured us in the presence of the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle and DPS(HQ), Bhubaneswar to look into the matter for bringing out a solution and asked for our representation.

As known, we handed over a Memorandum to the Secretary (Posts) containing some important  local issues apart from the issues arising out of Cadre Restructuring with request to stop issue of posting orders of the approved LSG officials till receipt of a clearance from the Secretary (Posts) on the issues raised by us in our memorandum.

A copy of the said memorandum is attached here with for kind perusal.

Thus, we would like request our Chief PMG once again kindly to wait for a definite reply from the Directorate in this regard and not to issue posting orders of the approved LSG officials till receipt of a clearance from the Secretary (Posts) on the issues raised by us in our memorandum.

A line of reply on the action taken is highly solicited.

With regards.
Yours sincerely,
Attached : As above*.

Circle Secretary

* Letter to the Secretary (Posts) has already been published elsewhere in this blog.

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