Wednesday 20 February 2019

Deputation of postal employees on Election Duty - Latest Development on our request to Circle administration

Dear Comrades,
As you know, we have severally approached to our Circle head to appraise the State Election Commission and to our CHQ to write to the Directorate requesting the Secretary (Posts) to appraise the Election Commission of India to exempt the postal employees from election duty. In this regard this Circle Union letter No. P3NFPE-Odisha/06 - 09/2018, dated 10.09.2018 and No. P3NFPE-Odisha/02 - 02/2019, dated 15.02.2019 may be seen already produced in the website elsewhere.

This apart, as per facts and figures available with us, we discussed the issue on 18.02.2019 in the last four monthly meeting with Chief PMG, Odisha Circle  who took a serious note of it and directed the DPS(HQ), Bhubaneswar to contact the State Election Commission in person to appraise him the actual difficulty in relieving huge number of postal employees from operational side which may lead to closure of post offices and Circle administration is not in favour of closing post offices for election duty which will directly affect the public service also.

Accordingly, as ascertained over phone from the DPS(HQ), on 20.02.2019, he personally met the State Election Commission who could be convinced and asked the postal administration to write them accordingly so that they may consider exemption of postal employees from election duty to the maximum extent possible.

As assured by DPS(HQ) to this Circle Secretary, a letter is being issued today (20.02.2019) to all Divisional / Unit heads directing them to meet their respective  District Election Officers and appraise the problems accordingly with request for exemption.

Let’s hope for the best.

= B  SAMAL =
Circle Secretary

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