Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
A Milestone development to enhance “Ease of Living” of Pensioners through Use of Face Authentication Technology for submission of Digital Life Certificates
Posted On: 20 OCT 2022 2:54PM by PIB Delhi
With a view to enhance Ease of Living of pensioners, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Portal (DoPPW), engaged with NIC, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity) and UIDAI to develop a Face Authentication technology-based system based on UIDAI Aadhaar software for submission of digital life certificate by the Pensioners/Family Pensioners. As per this facility, the identity of a person will be established through Face Authentication technique and it is possible to submit Life Certificate from any Android based smart phone. Dr. Union Minister of State (IC) Ministry of Science and Technology; Minister of State (IC) Ministry of Earth Science; MoS of Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Dr Jitendra Singh launched this facility on 29.11.2021.
Submission of Digital Life Certificates through face authentication technique is a breakthrough technology which has reduced Pensioners’ dependence on external bio-metric devices and has made the process more accessible and affordable, thus ensuring ease of living for all the Pensioners/Family Pensioners. In addition, by using this digital mode for Life Certificate submission, pensioners can now submit their Life Certificates from the comfort of their homes.
The Department has also started a major campaign under Special Campaign for Disposal of Pending Matters (SCDPM 2.0) in which pensioners aged 80 years and above may submit their Life Certificates from 1st October every year to avoid the rush at banks. All Pensioners’ Associations across the country have been educated in the use of the Face Authentication Technology through online as well as physical trainings imparted by the department from time to time, in a phased manner, so as reach out to all Associations. The Pensioners’ Associations assist pensioners by visiting their homes and holding camps for enabling submission of Life Certificates using the Face Authentication Technology. Recently, Shri V Srinivas, Secretary (DoPPW) visited the office of the NF Railway pensioners’ Association at Guwahati on 14th October, 2022 as part of SCDPM 2.0 where he interacted with pensioners and large number of Digital Life Certificates were generated using Face Authentication Technology.
The department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare is making endeavors to enhance adoption of Face Authentication as best practices in digital innovation under SCDPM 2.0 to enable pensioners to use this technology at a larger scale. SNC/RR (Release ID: 1869514)
Launch of Integrated Pensioners’ Portal aimed at “Ease of Living” for the Central Government Pensioners by Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh with State Bank of India, first pension disbursing Bank, to integrate its Pension Seva Portal with BHAVISHYA in record time.
Integration of BHAVISHYA portal with State Bank of India and the commencement of process to further integrate the same with all Pension Disbursing Bank portals - a milestone development which shall enable Pensioners to get all information and services at one place with single login
Posted On: 20 OCT 2022 1:40PM by PIB Delhi
Dr Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State (IC) Ministry of Science and Technology; Minister of State (IC) Ministry of Earth Science; MoS of Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions launched the Integrated Pensioners’ Portal on October 18, 2022 at Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi. The Portal, Bhavishya 9.0 version, has been developed in collaboration with State Bank of India and aims at enhancing “Ease of Living” for the Central Government Pensioners. All the remaining 16 Pension disbursing banks shall also begin their integration with Integrated Pensioners Portal.
During an interaction with the beneficiaries of Bhavishya portal on June 15, 2022, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon’ble Minister of State had suggested setting up of a Single Pensioners’ Portal for Ease of Living of pensioners. Accordingly, the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW) developed an Integrated Pensioners’ Portal using the Bhavishya Portal as the base portal, to provide a Single Pensioners’ Portal. BHAVISHYA has recently been rated as the 3rd best portal among all Government of India service portals by National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA). The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW) therefore chose this End-to-End digitized portal for the integration with BHAVISHYA as the base portal which shall finally become a single window for all Central Government Pensioners.
The Integrated Pensioners’ Portal incorporates various stand-alone Portals of Doppw viz. BHAVISHYA, CPENGRAMS, ANUBHAV, SANKALP, ANUDAAN etc. & Banks’ portals so as to provide multiple services from a single window.
During the launch, Dr Jitendra Singh said, BHAVISHYA, a Portal for Pension Payment and Tracking System is being integrated with Pension Seva portal of SBI and this would enable Pensioners to get all information and services at one place with single login. On completion of all phases of this integration the retirees can choose a Bank and Branch for opening an online Pension Account, check their monthly pension slips, Form 16, Status of Life Certificate as well as change their Pension Disbursing Bank through BHAVISHYA.
State Bank of India is the first pension disbursing Bank to integrate its Pension Seva Portal with BHAVISHYA in record time. The process of integration with all the Pension Disbursing Banks has commenced. This integration is a milestone development and shall enable Pensioners to get all information and services at one place with a single login. It will also provide an opportunity to all banks to showcase their services, enabling pensioners to select a bank based on the services provided and geographical location. Initially the services shall be available to 1.7 lakh Central Government Civil pensioners whose cases have been processed through Bhavishya and subsequently shall be extended to all the central government pensioners. SNC / RR (Release ID: 1869484)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Easing of rules under SCDPM 2.0 etc for grant of pensionary benefits to Central Government employees
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare has launched a major campaign on easing of rules during the Special Campaign 2.0.
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare administers pension related policy matters in respect to Central Government civil employees. This Department has also been entrusted work related to pensioners’ welfare. In order to ensure timely payment of pensionary benefits to retired Government servants/family members and to enhance “Ease of living” of pensioners after their retirement, this Department simplifies rules and issues guidelines/instructions to Ministries/Departments, Pension disbursing banks etc.
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare has undertaken a massive campaign to review and simplify pension rules and issued instructions during the Special Campaign 2.0 launched by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) for disposal of Pending Matters during 2nd October, 2022 to 31st October 2022. Parameters for the Special Campaign include number of rules/process identified for simplification.
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare has issued thirty (30) such Notifications/Circulars during the month of October, 2022 in SCDPM 2.0. The detail of some of these important Notifications/Circulars is related to:-
- Orders related to enhancement of Dearness Relief from 34 % to 38%.
- Simplification of Rule 8 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 delegating thereby authority to decide disciplinary matters of Central Government Employees after their retirement.
- Instruction related to maximum ceiling of contribution under General Provident Fund during financial year.
- Instructions related to counting of past service and treatment of service as qualifying service for pensionary benefits.
- Instruction related to grant of gratuity, nomination for payment of gratuity and payment of interest on delayed payment of pension/family pension/gratuity.
Instructions relating to different provisions of grant of pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021, including limitation of pension, on invalidation, compulsory retirement, dismissal/removal from service and effect of future good conduct on pension.
SNC / RR (Release ID: 1869481)
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