Wednesday 31 July 2019

Message from Chief PMG, Odisha Circle after winning champion award in HoC Conference at Srinagar

"Hearty congratulations to  both the PMsG / division heads / units heads and all stakeholders of Odisha Postal Circle. 

Hearty congratulations to  both the PMsG/ division heads/ units heads and all stakeholders of Odisha Postal Circle. It's heartening to inform you that our circle got the CHAMPION Award, overall Best Performing Circle in Group Y category for 2018-19 and Speed Post Revenue Growrh Award in D category. Wish all the best to perform better and better for more laurels to all of us.

Wish all the best to perform better and better for more laurels to all of us."

Clarification regarding Foreign Parcel Issues

Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana for students of class VIth to IXth

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Meeting of officers in Directorate to discuss various aspects of fixation of interse seniority of Postmaster with general line and review of progress on implementation of cadre restructuring of Gr-C employees

Central Trade Unions' Protest Day :: 02-08-2019

Review of Rule 12 of GDS(Conduct and Engagement) Rules-2011 for all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS)


No. PJCA/2/2019                                                                        Dated: 15th July 2019

            Shri A N Nanda,
            Department of Posts,
            Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001

Sub:   Submission of Memorandum on long pending demands.

            It is to bring to your kind notice that on so many occasions, we as PJCA have raised our long pending genuine demands before the Department. But it is highly regretted that no effective steps have been taken by the Department to mitigate the problems causing more sufferings to the employees.

            After introduction of technology in the form of CBS/CSI/CIS/MNOP/PNOP & now RICT the staff is suffering very much. We are bringing all the problems being faced by the staff at ground level separately on each subject but no solution is coming out.

            A meeting of Postal Joint Council of Action consisting NFPE,FNPO,AIPEU-GDS & NUGDS was held at FNPO Office. T-24, Atul Grove Road New Delhi on   13.07.2019. In the meeting all General Secretaries, of NFPE, FNPO AIPEU-GDS and NUGDS participated. After thorough discussion, PJCA has come to the conclusion that a memorandum should be submitted to Secretary (Post) for settlement of demands as mentioned in the Charter of Demands enclosed here with.

            We request you to kindly arrange one meeting with office bearers of PJCA to discuss the issues and settle the same as early as possible failing which we (PJCA) will be compelled to launch agitational programmes in a phased manner.

                        With regards
Yours Sincerely,

         (T N Rahate)                                                          (R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General (FNPO)                                   Secretary General (NFPE)

       (P U Muralidharan)                                            (P Pandurangarao)
General Secretary-NUGDS                                  General Secretary-AIPEU-GDS


1.    Settle all the problems arisen out of implementation of C.S.I, R.I.C.T./ IPPB / CBS and Postmen delivery mobile App & CIS.
2.    Implement all positive recommendations of Sri Kamlesh Chandra Committee report and grant Civil servant Status to GDS.
3.    Fill up all Vacant Posts in all cadres of Department of Post i.e. P.A/S.A, Postmen, Mail Guard, Mailmen, MMS, MTS, GDS, Postal Acctts, P.A  Admn. Offices, P.A SBCO & Civil Wing etc  within a time frame  and separate identity of all cadres.
4.    Withdraw NPS and Guarantee minimum pension 50% of last pay drawn.
5.    Membership verification of G.D.S and declaration of result of regular employees membership verification conducted in 2015.
6.    Implementation of orders of   payment of  revised wages and arrears to the casual , Part time, Contingent employees & daily rated mazdoors as per 6th and   7th CPC and Regularize Services of  casual Labourers.
7.    Implement Cadre Restructuring for left out categories i.e. RMS, MMS, Postman/MTS, PACO, PASBCO, Postal Accounts, and Civil Wing etc.
8.    Stop Privatization, Corporatization and out sourcing in Postal Services.
9.    Scrap Bench Mark in MACP.
10.  Implement 5 days week in Postal and RMS
11.  Enhancement of higher pay scales to those categories whose minimum qualification has been enhanced e.g. Postmen, Mail guard.
12.  Grant of pension to the promoted GDS based on Supreme Court Judgment in SLP No (C) 13042/2014
13.  Withdraw orders of enhancement of cash conveyance limit without security.
14.   Implement all High Court and Supreme Court decisions in C/W MACP, RTP and others.
15.  Cash less treatment under CGHS  and allotment of adequate fund under head MR & T.A
16.  Retention of Civil wing in the Department of Post.
17.  Holding of Departmental Council Meetings/RJCM and periodical meetings at all levels.
18.  Stop Trade Union victimization and in the name of unscientific targets.
19.  Provide 40 percent SCF quota promotion in AAO cadre and amend RR incorporating the modifications demanded by AIPAEA.
20.  Status of audit to SBCO.
21.  Restore Special Allowance to PO & RMS Accountants and OSA to RMS/MMS Staff.
22.  All NSH and I.C. Speed Post Hubs should be under the administrative control of RMS and All L-2 Mail Offices should be identified as I.C. Speed Post Hubs and as Parcel Hubs.
23.  Permission to all Staff of Circle Office, SBCO, Postal Accounts and RMS/MMS Staff to appear in Departmental Examination for promotion to PSS Group-B.
24.  Improper functioning of Separate (Nodal) Parcel Delivery in India Post vis-a-vis heavy expenditure and undue harassment to the Postmen Delivery staff.


Ministry of Labour & Employment

Lok Sabha Passes the Code on Wages Bill, 2019 

Posted On: 30 JUL 2019 7:25PM by PIB Delhi
The Lok Sabha today passed The Code on Wages Bill, 2019. While opening the discussion for consideration and passing of the Bill,  Minister of State (I/C) for Labour and Employment Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar said that it is a historic Bill which aims to transform the old and obsolete labour laws into more accountable and transparent ones which is need of the hour. As many as 17 present labour laws are more than 50 years old and some of them even belong to pre-independence era.
Among the four Acts being subsumed in The Code on Wages Bill, The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 belongs to pre-independence era and The Minimum Wages Act 1948 is also 71 years old. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 are also being subsumed in the Code. 
He further said that wide consultations were held with trade unions, employers and State governments and tripartite consultations were held on 10th March, 2015 and 13th April, 2015. A draft of Wage Code was made available in public domain through Ministry’s website. Many persons gave their valuable suggestions. The Bill was introduced in last Lok Sabha on 10 August, 2017 and was referred to Parliamentary Standing Committee which submitted its Report on 18th December 2018. Out of 24 recommendations made by standing committee, 17 were accepted by government.
He further said that the Code ensures minimum wages along with timely payment of wages to all the employees and workers. Many unorganized sector workers like agricultural workers, painters, persons working in restaurants and dhabas, chowkidars etc. who were out of the ambit of minimum wages will get legislative protection of minimum wages after the bill becomes an Act. It has been ensured in the bill that employees getting monthly salary shall get the salary by 7th of next month, those working on weekly basis shall get the salary on last day of the week and daily wagers should get it on the same day.
He expressed hope that The Code on Wages will prove to be a milestone and give respectable life to 50 crore unorganized sector workers. The Minister responded to the debate in detail and thanked all the respected members for cooperation in passing the Bill.
The salient features of the Code are as following:
• The Code on Wage universalizes the provisions of minimum wages and timely payment of wages to all employees irrespective of the sector and wage ceiling. At present, the provisions of both Minimum Wages Act and Payment of Wages Act apply on workers below a particular wage ceiling working in Scheduled Employments only. This would ensure "Right to Sustenance" for every worker and intends to increase the legislative protection of minimum wage from existing about 40% to 100% workforce. This would ensure that every worker gets minimum wage which will also be accompanied by increase in the purchasing power of the worker thereby giving fillip to growth in the economy. Introduction of statutory Floor Wage to be computed based on minimum living conditions, will extend qualitative living conditions across the country to about 50 crore workers. It is envisaged that the states to notify payment of wages to the workers through digital mode.
• There are 12 definitions of wages in the different Labour Laws leading to litigation besides difficulty in its implementation. The definition has been simplified and is expected to reduce litigation and will entail at lesser cost of compliance for an employer. An establishment will also be benefited as the number of registers, returns, forms etc., not only can be electronically filed and maintained, but it is envisaged that through rules, not more than one template will be prescribed.
• At present, many of the states have multiple minimum wages. Through Code on Wages, the methodology to fix the minimum wages has been simplified and rationalised by doing away with type of employment as one of the criteria for fixation of minimum wage. The minimum wage fixation would primarily based on geography and skills. It will substantially reduce the number of minimum wages in the country from existing more than 2000 rates of minimum wages.
• Many changes have been introduced in the inspection regimes including web based randomised computerised inspection scheme, jurisdiction-free inspections, calling of information electronically for inspection, composition of fines etc. All these changes will be conducive for enforcement of labour laws with transparency and accountability.
 • There were instances that due to smaller limitation period, the claims of the workers could not be raised. To protect the interest of the workers, the limitation period has been raised to 3 years and made uniform for filing claims for minimum wages, bonus, equal remuneration etc., as against existing varying period between 6 months to 2 years.
• It can be said that a historical step for ensuring statutory protection for minimum wage and timely payment of wage to 50 crore worker in the country has been taken through the Code on Wages besides promoting ease of living and ease of doing business.

Minutes of bi-monthly meeting of DPS(Hqr) with NFPE dated 18.07.2019

Appeal.of the Reception Committee of 32nd AIC of AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ

Special C L for Rayagada CWC from 23.08.2019 to 25.08.2019

Circle Office letter on Recognition to Service Unions / Associations

Sunday 28 July 2019

Appeal for successful implementation of forthcoming agitational programmes of Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO), CHQ at Divisional level on 29.07.2019

FB Post by Com.A.K.Padmanabhan, National Vice President, CITU

Though the Recognized Federations in the Railways are almost mum on Privatization, Struggles are going on in various Production Units and also in other areas. AILRSA, AISMA, GUARDS COUNCIL and various other Associations and CITU affiliated DREU are going ahead with Struggles.

They are also joining Central TUs and Federations in the National level Campaigns......

DEFENCE Production Units under  ORDINANCE BOARD are being Corporatized. 

All the three Recognized Federations, AIDEF, INTUC and BMS have decided to go for ONE MONTH STRIKE .......

SAIL UNITS and other PSUs are also prepared for continuous struggles.....

In the meanwhile All INDIA PROTEST DAY is being organised by Central TUs and National Federations against LABOUR LAW AMENDMENTS through Codification, which will take away the existing rights of the Working People in the Country...

The Govt has openly said that the CODES are for Ease of Doing Business.



Friday 26 July 2019


Dear Comrades ,
Please read the joint statement of Central Trade Unions below. Confederation National Secretariat calls upon all affiliates and C-O-Cs to organise mass protest demonstrations in front of all major offices and at all important places.

Secretary General

Poor Functioning of CGHS Dispensaries

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Poor Functioning of CGHS Dispensaries

Posted On: 26 JUL 2019 3:50PM by PIB Delhi
Government receives feedback from various sources including CGHS beneficiaries about various aspects of functioning of Centre Government Health Scheme (CGHS) and CGHS Wellness Centres including on issues concerning breakdown in connectivity, shortage of staff, long queues and waiting period, interruptions in services of visiting Specialists, etc. Feedback so received is regularly monitored for taking appropriate corrective action and bringing improvement in the functioning of CGHS and CGHS Wellness Centres.
 Government have taken a number of  steps to improve the functioning of CGHS Wellness Centres, as under: -
  1. During the last one year, the network of CGHS Wellness Centres has been expanded from 33 CGHS covered cities to 70 CGHS covered cities by merging Postal Dispensaries in CGHS. 
  2. Government has approved opening of 27 new Homeopathic and 26 Ayurvedic CGHS Units to provide better services to more eligible CGHS beneficiaries.
  • (iii) To facilitate CGHS beneficiaries, SMS alerts service has been initiated for online appointment and dispensation of medicines at Wellness Centres.
  • (iv) Provision has been made for online registration to consult Medical officers at Wellness Centres to bring down the waiting period.
  1.  Option has been provided to CGHS beneficiaries to avail Specialist consultation from CGHS empanelled hospitals after referral from CGHS Wellness Centre.
  • (vi) CGHS has taken steps to procure generic formulary medicines through HLL Life Care Ltd., as an interim measure, to augment the availability of medicines at CGHS Wellness Centres. Additional Directors of CGHS have been authorized to procure daily requirement of generic formulary medicines at Jana Aushadhi rates through HLL Life Care Ltd.,
  1. Process for procurement through GeM to strengthen the infrastructure at Wellness Centres.
  2. CGHS beneficiaries aged 75 years and above are permitted to consult Specialists at empanelled private without referral.
  • (ix) The shortage of pharmacists has been brought down through fresh recruitment of Pharmacists.
  1. Retired Doctors are engaged on contractual basis against vacant posts of regular Medical officers to ensure uninterrupted medical services to the beneficiaries.
 The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.

Guidelines on merger of Postmaster Cadre with General Line Cadre

Homage to Kargil Martyrs on the occasion of 20th Anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas

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On the occasion of 20th  Anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas, AIPEU Group-C and NFPE, Odisha pay respectable homage to the  Kargil Martyrs.